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Is there a way to play on android?


Yes using Joiplay app


does anyone knows if the developer gives news anywhere? that game was great


Well, I try to prepare an update, but... takes times... and I havn't lots of time... Sorry, it'll be very slow.


trop bien, prends ton temps, juste savoir qu'une maj est en route fait plaisir :p


Merciiii !


Does the game save and go to other updates after downloading it like I got far in v0.17 but would it migrate to  v0.18? the save files


how to activate cheat code?

Open the main script, look for "debug" line and un-tag all debug items you wish.

Maybe I'll do a trick for activating debug ingame in the next version.


How about like a debug password and and add a debug option in the main segment

(1 edit) (+3)

Also, bug reports (v0.18):

1. The satiety meter doesn't seem to have a bottom or a top, so if you starve, you have to eat multiple meals before the meter shows up again, and if you fill the meter completely and keep eating, you can stay stuffed for as long as you want.

2. I don't know why it's happening, but on one of my characters, her metabolism must've maxed out somehow, she's eating like an absolute king every day, but she's still losing weight and getting sick every other day.

3. Stuffing through the OnlyFans thing on your PC doesn't seem to make you gain weight, though I don't know if that's related to bug #2, as it was on a different character.

4. I tried saying no to meeting the friend on walks, and now the game is popping up the dialogue to ask if I want to talk with her on every single walk, not letting me have any other events.


Thanks for your report!

1. Yeah, that's right. Nevertheless, reaching too low or too hight satiety will cause you harm (make you sick or worse).

2. Hmm, that's weird.

3. I'm gonna check that, this is possible indeed.

4. That one is annoying, I'll make a "don't ask me again" option.


Man, I can't figure out how to keep my character from losing weight or getting sick, I've tried getting her to eat healthy, making her get proper exercise, going a full vegetarian diet, etc., but she just keeps losing weight and getting sick.

She's practically anorexic right now despite eating far more than I do IRL, too.

Also the game could definitely use a doctor or something, any way for us to find out WHY our character's unhealthy, whether it's poor nutrition, too many stuffing sessions, whatever.

what house do you have it's extremely important to upgrade to a better house

In the example I was referring to here, she was in the easy mode housing. A couple runs after that, I cheated for infinite money and bought the best house.


Any news on how the English translation is going?

The translator cannot work on translating the game for now. I'm sorry.
You can still use the language patcher they created for v.017b, it should work on the latest build leaving only the newest content untranslated.
Download link and how to use to be found on Weight Gaming forum:


Yes, unfortunately I'm having some health issues, so don't have the time or brain power to work on the translations at the moment. I haven't even had chance to play 0.18 yet.

(1 edit)

i dont understand how weight works in this game? or gaining?
I'll eat multiple meals from savoury and sweet, and I'll still lose weight. 
I also somehow have skeletal arms while having a 'round belly'.

It's also impossible to stay healthy in game, or to even raise your health. I've had to 'cheat' by going back to multiple different saves because I somehow always find myself moribund. I also have no idea how to keep my mental wellbeing decent ingame

TLDR; gaining weight is hard and staying healthy is really hard. Maybe there should be a hospital or medicine to help?

first thing to work on is upgrading to a better house its THE most important thing you should do


Hey will there ever be an android version sorry if this is a stupid question but my PC is out dated and won't function and my macbook hardware is to slow that the system data was all lost

Hi! It's been requested many times but there won't be any mobile versions for now as I totally suck with exports and stuff and could never manage to make some working build for smartphones... But when the game gets "finished", I will definitely look for a solution or help for the game to be playable on mobiles. So sorry, but no Android version before long :(


oh that's fine just asking the game is amazing by the way and I like some of the new events can't wait for the end game

(2 edits) (+1)

The money you get from the lab at the end of the day is incorrect. As an example right now, it says my earnings for the day are 1942, but my money went up by 366.

Also, I am still, like a year later, super confused on how you don't eventually succumb to just dying. Regular exercise and eating is apparently not good enough, you WILL slowly go from excellent to moribund over the course of two years. And since everything is still completely hidden and only updates at the end of the day, I have no idea what I'm doing that's bad for me.

Edit: "[Your friend] died of malnutrition."

Bitch, I have fed you literally every day, how did you die? I truly do not understand how food works in this damn game. For that matter, she has a job. How is she so incapable of feeding herself?

Thanks for reporting the lab earnings issue; I'll have a look a it!

Regarding your friend dying even if you feed her everyday, that's weird, I'll be extra careful when testing next time. Thanks for your comments!

Wow, this is just a great game!

Thank you! <3

What the biggest buttock and breast size you can get?

Are there any plans for a version playable on a browser?

No, sorry. I don't even know how to do it.

Deleted 2 years ago

Which cause of death is mentioned?


I've updated the English language patcher for v0.17. It can be found on the Weight Gaming forums. This is the same tool used to create the English versions hosted here.

Parvinjaan: If you could get in touch I can send a pre-patched version.


Thaank you so much! I answered your mail!


hi! I'm so in love with this game! Really looking forward to the next builds :D


Thanks lovely! <3


What the biggest busy and breast size you can get?

Not much for now, but I'll try to increase in the future.


Hello, there, i have run into a bug: 

Full traceback:

  File "game/script.rpy", line 2582, in script

    $ bellChange(gras/(16-ptcc))

  File "D:\Games From The Interwebs\a-piece-of-cake\Cestdelatarte-0.16-pc-en\renpy\", line 914, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "D:\Games From The Interwebs\a-piece-of-cake\Cestdelatarte-0.16-pc-en\renpy\", line 2028, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec bytecode in globals, locals

  File "game/script.rpy", line 2582, in <module>

    $ bellChange(gras/(16-ptcc))

ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero



C'est de la tarte ! A piece of cake ! 0.16

Thank you for this game, and have an amazing day! :D


Hello, thanks! This should be fixed in the next build :3 Cheers!

(4 edits) (+1)

Had a lot of fun with this game- even though it gets quite grindy. I did however just experience having my game spiral out of control, when I got so big I got a game over from serious hypertension at only age 26. I started seeing some crazy gains with jumps from 2.2kg -> 2.9 kg -> 3.6kg -> 4.5 kg in one day, which can't seem right. I was not able to reduce my appettite enough to actually eat less to reverse the process or even attain weight loss. This was quite a shame, because I didn't really care that much about my own weight anymore, I was primarly working on  the town and my child at that point which is all just lost by now. My life expectancy was also still in the 40's, so I got quite blindsided by this. Guess I should not be surprised, but I was kinda counting on the life expectancy to give a good indication of whether I was in danger of dying...

Another thing, the pollution level was steadily increasing, and I was not able to affect this process either, despite enacting every law, research etc I could to contain pollution. I think it was 9.92/10 when I died, so this may also be the reason for this? 

Oops- Another issue, I started a new game and got Maude's story line going, but the event on day 56 keeps repeating itself every day...


Hi! The game mechanics are not all finished so you may experiment such an annoying spiral... sorry.

About the pollution and Maude bugs, they've already been reported and should be fixed in the next update.


Hey man, really loving the game, it's very impressive even at this early phase. I just wanted to ask, as things in the town and events with your daughter change with their ever increasing BMI, at what point do descriptions and events stop changing?

Again, great work man.

Hi! Thanks a lot! Descriptions stop changing depending on what description it is... but let's say most description stop changing when the BMI is between 30 and 40. I'll need to make it higher in the future but it is a lot of writing work...

That's cool man, keep it up! Looking forward to the next update.

If I could make a suggestion, I would recommend (eventually) moving away from cup sizes for bust, and transition to a simple number system like Volume. Cup sizes can vary by country, and also by themselves aren't actually very descriptive, since band size can also have a huge effect. Saying "GG cup" really doesn't tell much, and also the upper limit is forced by how many sizes you want to manually program in. 

Volume is just numbers, so you theoretically could just have it tracked like weight and not need to worry about people hitting an upper limit.

english version for mac?

No... sorry. The translation pack only works for PC.


Something in the future then, maybe.

(1 edit)

I'm not convinced the rejuvenation drug does anything. It doesn't cost anything to take, and even if you click the button a hundred times, you still become one year older every 24 days.

Edit: To tack on to that, it says I unlocked the potion of youth, but it doesn't show up anywhere after that.

The aging system is still very incomplete so weird things may happen. The youth potion showing up nowhere is strange though, I will check it. Thank you for this report  !


everything seems great about this game, but there is just one thing that is really testing me.
with this weight gain stuff i like to just sit back and relax with it, but its so easy to get sick or start feeling bad in this game. it kinda ruins it.
so maybe a modifier that you can enable/disable sickness? or a sandbox mode, making money (just alot would be fine too) and health completely dissapear?


Thank you! It's easy to get sick, but it isn't hard to stay healthy either. But since there are lots of complaints about this matter, I'll to think something out to help it. The option of enabling/disabling sickness could be an option, I don't promise I'll add it but I'll consider it.


yup! finally got the hang of not getting sick. my patience on the other hand...


Deleted 3 years ago

Hello! I'm glad you liked the game. It is still in development so of course many assets are still to be added, backgrounds included.

Whether you want to make a mod or suggest your content, we'd be mode comfortable to speak about it on Discord, PM me at Parvinjaan#2284 or join the game's server

Have a lovely day <3

(4 edits)

This game feels like you enter an inescapable death spiral if you ever get sick. Become sick -> eat fruit and rest so you don't die -> get better but on, like, 1 hidden sickness hp so if you ever do anything at all it makes you sick again. So now if you work out, you'll become sick, so you can't do that. But because you don't work out, your health falls down to bad and you become sick. So you spend the entire day resting and eating fruit, and the day you're no longer sick you try working out once. Well, now you're sick again. And so you spend the day resting. Now you're Moribund. and etc, etc.

Recovering from this situation feels like trying to rebuild a house of cards while blindfolded, because you don't have access to any of the information needed to see what changes you for the better or worse in real time. When you recover from sickness, instead of being 1 bad move (or neutral move, or good move, or ANY MOVE) away from going back to being sick, you should be reset back to full or something.

Edit: Or maybe there should be a hospital location you can go to to get better without collapsing and getting a game over. Like seriously, I spent a save file exercising, swimming, eating mixed and fruit salads, frichti, and otherwise played this like a super healthy character, and her life expectancy cratered into the GROUND by the time she was 20. Something about the nutrition stat in this game is completely messed up.


Health stat actually doesn't directly take in account the type of food you eat (it still inderectly does). I know things are still unclear, this game is still in development. Staying healthy isn't too complicated when you go have a walk or two everyday. Yet, you are totally right, I will make your health get back up a few point when recovering froma sickness otherwise it's really hard to get back to a good heath. Thanks for your comment :)


Hey there, I installed the game yesterday and I really like the game so far, But today I noticed that my character only looses weight instead of gaining. I try to not work too much and eat good amounts of food but the weight keeps reducing. Can I get any tips please ?

Hi! Thank you, I'm glad you like the game. Eating to the fullest is a thing, but eating fatty or sugary food makes it faster to gain weight. Yet it is weird that you still loose weight, make sure the hunger bar is 100% filled before sleeping, it's no use getting full in the morning.


is there a way to start a relationship with the friend because im at 646.5 kg and my life expectancy is up to 61 i dont know how i did it but wow i did.

Wow! The life expectancy system is at its very earliest stage but congrats!


thank you

(1 edit)

does the cousin that sometimes visits you to talk about how fat you've been getting and comments on how big your boobs are eventually disappear because after I passed a certain weight it feels like they just disappear. 

Actually, you're right. It is not wanted, but you won't meet her after a certain weight. I might add some other meetings later.

i have a guestion how do you keep the life expectancy up and the wellbeing up aswell amy tips.


Keep wellbeing up by having a walk, lazying around, reading literature. Also, don't overwork or study the whole day. Basically, try to have a good work/leisure balance.

For life expectancy, it's more complicated, plus the system is not totally ready. In current version, what you mostly need is to become become a mayor and make laws/decisions that reduces the city pollution. And keep your health up. As for now, it is incomplete but some new options will come soon.

Thanks for your interest in the game <3


Ok thank you and the game is amazing so far cant wait to see the full game

(1 edit)

hey parvinjaan if you do put a cheat menu can you plase put something that involves life expectancy and the health thats all if its to much sorry for asking.

Hi! Cheat menu is only for testing ;p

ok thanks for the heads up because i cant make my character live long for the daughter to move out and i wanna see the end goal with the daughter.

How do I download and play this on mobile?

This game is for computer only. I did try exporting it for mobile but the UI turned out to be a huge mess, so I might work on it when the whole game is finished. Sorry :'(

Thanks man for the info dude.😁


I have made it to age 27 with a daughter and being mayer 24/7 while still being healthy at this point in time I wish there was a way to like set your charachter on a auto path so that  I can have them eat the max food 24 times and eat the fruit saled 10 times then have it go to the gym them do things with friend  and post vids for the rest of the actions. That way I gain and be healthy but can see how my choices with the town effect the town over time and same with my daughter. only on special days should this stop or if I press a button to stop it and take manual control for a bit to make more choices with the day or check in with friend..etc I do love the game and wish to see more even if its in complete french (I do not under stand french though this game is that amazing) I do hope you update eventually although I understand rn difficult times and you probably have better things

Thank you so much for your comment! As you said it, I cannot work on the game right now, but I sincerely hope the updates I plan to do will please you! Cheers! <3


I'm really confused about how the health and weight gain systems work. I overeat every day and I still lose weight; I over-feed the friend character, she ends up cadaverically thin; and I eat fruit, drink water, and take walks and still end up in critical condition. What gives?

I'm definitely enjoying the writing, but I'm feeling really unfulfilled without being able to see any of the weight gain content. The game's just not very clear about how its systems work.


from my exsperiance of playing the game. eat some of the fruit saled and something fatening or savery eventually your capacity should grow so you can eat more then one thing fattening and still a little bit of fruit saled. Do not over eat past the bar that gets you sick if its more then half the bar overfed (though you cant really see how far you have overeaten) thats how I got the character to gain weight. In order to be healthy you need to walk atleast once I day or your health will decrease at one point  I started using the gym once a day to make sure I was healthy as I was nearly 500kg. With the friend situation don't take her on walks and over feed her once a day atleast she should be gaining then. This is what I have learned from playing the game.

Once you have capacity to eat enough, bring your friend to the restaurant everyday as many times as possible and she will grow ;)

Deleted 3 years ago

Wow, you went so far! First, I'll try to find time to get back on the game... then adding more content would help passing time. I can't promise more for now :'( Sorry. Thank you so much for playing the game <3

Deleted 4 years ago

any chance of a cheat menu to make it little more fun?

Hhhmmmm, not for now, but you can activate the dev debug by modifying the script, it should be around line 1700 in the main script.


Um, sorry if this is late or a bit rude or something, but how would you modify the script? The only section with 'debug' in it doesn't seem to have anything I could change. If it's just something I'd have to know coding, then that's fine, I'm just asking just in case. Thank you, and have a great day! I've greatly enjoyed this game that you've greated!

It's 100% fine!! Don't worry!

Just unmark the # before the debug lines you need ;) Don't unmark too many options though, otherwise it will display bad and you might not be able to quit the debug menu.

Thanks! Have a great day!


one thing I would add if I could. bulk buy of foods and food/medicne states

It will happen when I have some time! Thank you for feedback <3


Quand je lis un livre scientifique ou un roman, j'ai cette erreur:

File "game/script.rpy", line 4067, in script
    if fringuehn <= 4:
  File "game/script.rpy", line 4067, in <module>
    if fringuehn <= 4:
NameError: name 'fringuehn' is not defined
Il semble que vous avez oublié de déclarer la variable.

Merci pour le report ! On me l'a fait remarquer oui :'( Ce sera corrigé dans la prochaine mie à jour. (pas encore de date, désolée)


When I try to read a romance novel an error occurs due to 'fringuehen' being undefined. Just though it was something I should bring to your attention.

Thank you for reporting this bug!!! <3


Hi, I'm one of the people from the forum; I've reverse-engineered a machine translation of dialogue (everything "___" in ) but skipped or partially translated strings (eg; argent/money ). It's playable and just needs someone to finish that part. It is not perfect, but makes a full translation easier/faster.

Can I post the translation there so other people there can help finish it off?

(1 edit)

Hi! Woooow! You're amazing! Of course you can, I'm glad you English speakers also can enjoy the game even though it' not finished yet!

Thank you so much! <3


if you want to join to help with other things you can and people are looking forward to seeing you pop up because here a link to the forum

they have doing a lot and fixing bugs that pops up when its getting translated to

Thanks, I will join when getting less busy!


About English translation, I think I will do it when the game will be ready... Sorry. Thank you all so much for your interest!

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